Web applications, use big data for a better production planning


Caron Technology has developed a web-based application able to collect and analyse all the information produced by Caron spreaders installed in the customer’s cutting room.

Data produced by the spreader are important for the company and thanks to C-web they can be used for a continuous analysis of the spreading system as a whole. The application allows to supervise the cutting room and to check the status of the machines, so as to be able to solve any faults as soon as possible, as well as to analyse the activity and daily efficiency of the company.

Thanks to Caron’s know-how combined with digital technology, the application is usable from every device as smartphone, tablet, PC. This allows the customer to follow the spreader’s activity live: work order, files spread with different spreaders, processing history and advances planning, in order to realize the right planning production.

The exponential amount of data that can be acquired allows to improve the organization and efficiency of the cutting room, as well as guaranteeing a reduction in costs incurred and time spent spreading, with a view not only of 4.0 but of lower environmental impact.