Caron Technology: many solutions for a quality spreading


The Italian Caron Technology has been at the side of producers for over 35 years, optimizing their work thanks to a continuous investment in innovation

Caron Technology is an important reality in design and construction of fabric spreading machines: this specialization has allowed the company to focus on creating optimal solutions to cope with the difficulties that arise in this phase of processing. The YORK cradle is designed in a way that holds the material from above directly into the automatic cutter; it is equipped with a colour control panel, multilingual touch screen with an easy and intuitive dedicated software that allows to accurately synchronize the cradle with any type of automatic cutting machine.

The single ply feeder YORK is suitable for the unwinding of different materials destined for the final garment, deleting any tension and maintaining perfect alignment, preparing the fabric for any single-sided machine. It can be made in different widths depending on the height of the materials’ rolls. Above all, it allows to load different weights according to the type of material to be spread.
The use of the cradle can be simplified if it is flanked by another product of Caron: the loader TITAN, that helps to load heavy fabrics from the floor to the cradle of the feeder, facilitating the loading and unloading operations. For a best use, the commands of the loader are directly managed by the touch screen panel and integrated with feeder’s commands.