Fadis’ “open platform” philosophy enables them to offer a custom solution to meet any technical/manufacturing need. A new range of winders, an air-texturizing machine and a new cops preparation machine are going to market
A specialist of cake winders, winders, cone to cone winders, reeling machines and covering machines to process all kinds of yarns – cotton, wool, silk, man-made fibres, synthetic fibres, mixed fibres, covered and fancy yarns – Fadis is a typical Italian family run business. Established in 1960 by grandfather Giuseppe Carabelli with his friend Armando Canton and grown with son Danilo, the company is managed by four Carabelli family members, sisters Raffaella, Debora, Elena with brother Giuseppe as well as by Wanda Canton. The last five years saw a massive increase of the turnover: +80%, with over 30 million Euro of turnover in 2018, resulting from R&D investment and some Industry 4.0 innovations in the manufacturing process. All machine models have been optimized to make them fit into specific fields of the Textile Industry: from furnishing to hosiery, from weaving to knitting, from medical to high-performance tech-textiles, to carpets.

Flexibility and internationalization are strategic cornerstones
Fadis can offer the machines to prepare yarns to all dyeing processes – in reels, hanks, as FAPP™/Muff – as well as all reeling machines for dyed yarns. In time, the range included machinery for synthetic yarns, such as a covering machine and an air-jet texturizing machine.
Flexibility and internationalization are the strategic cornerstones of development. An innovative philosophy named “open platform” gave Fadis the opportunity to prepare – together with the customer – a customized machine to meet all technical/ manufacturing requirements, while the customer can modify the unit at any time to meet the demand of the market. Fadis is an export-oriented company: the average export rate is 93% to 70 countries, with a widely established after sale service and a remote first aid system to manage further actions from the headquarters.
Sustainability and industry 4.0 restructuring
Fadis decision to keep the manufacturing process entirely in Italy and to tap into 95% Italian suppliers was a winning choice. In fact, they obtained a perfect flexibility to meet the market requirements very quickly, as well as a total quality (checks, commissioning) and valuable certifications worth showing off.

They also invested in sustainability both making their machines eco-friendlier, restructuring their plant and installing a PV system that ensures 650,000 kW energy per year.
Fadis also re-organised its manufacturing processes and logistics in view of Industry 4.0, while handling and storage logics changed to 11 automated, fully IT linked storage areas. They bought new cutting-edge machine tools and robots to bring back all machining steps of the manufacturing process aiming at flexibility in order to ensure a quick response.
Besides acting on the internal organisation, Fadis developed a posting software (FID) for its reeling machines to link a customer’s IT system to the machines.
All ranges and new products on show
At ITMA Barcelona, Fadis will show all ranges and new products in a 400 sq.mt. booth.
Reel Range – Cake winders, reel winders and cone-to-cone winders with electronic yarn guide and precision winding, with “on-line” electronic tension and density control to process shopped strand yarns and continuous fibre yarns by Fadis, are among the most advanced and performing units on the market. Preview of a new line of double end, compact and efficient winder, a full range of machines with automatic discharge.
Hank Range – Hank dyeing is very attractive, as it combines a century long experience, passed on through the generations, with sophisticated techniques of the textile machinery Industry. Fadis gives a good example with the only reeling machine with electronic yarn guide and precision winder on the market, ideal for cotton, wool, acrylic fibers, silk and viscose.
Elastic Yarn Rage – Fadis first offered its Sincro M unit to process Fapp™ (FAdis Precision Package) extremely low-density packages to dye elastic yarns allowing a wide retraction margin. This way, the yarn keeps a high residual elasticity when elasticized. This preparation system, widely tested, combined with Fapp™ unwinding by means of our Sincro RFM SW reeling machine, obtains an “on-line” tension control and a quality similar to the hank dyeing process, while taking advantage of an easy and convenient yarn package dyeing.
Elastomeric Yarn Range – The “open platform” design concept shows its best in our Sincro Multipla. A “multi-function” machine we can design based on specific technical/production needs of the customer, who can later modify it to meet new demands. It can meet 8 different needs when making elastic and elastomeric yarns: cake winder, reel winder, cone-to-cone winder, air-jet covering, Fapp™, air-covering, Muff and hanks, Dual Core covering. The range also includes a brand new air-jet texturizing machine to be shown at ITMA 2019.
Spooling Range – Fadis shows at the exbibition its Sincro Sprint, a machine to prepare flanged bobbins, applied to cover and twist silk yarns. It is a modern concept of a compact, efficient, double-sided spooling machine with independent electronic yarn guide heads, precision crossing and a motor driven reel.
Cops Range – An industry first at ITMA 2019 is the innovative Sincro Copsy machine to prepare cops and flanged bobbins (hamel type). The unique feature of this new machine is a double or even higher thruput compared with existing machines. Its operation is easier; thanks to an innovative solution, loading and unloading operations are made easier and more comfortable to the operator. Independent collecting heads with electronic yarn guide, precision crossing and a motor driven reel made it possible.
Where to find Fadis at ITMA 2019: Hall 7, Booth B209