The New Color Scanner VITUS


VITRONIC-vitus-bodyscan-3D-bodyscannerHuman Solutions has expanded its range of 3D body scanners and the company now offers the 3D color body scanner VITUS bodyscan, developed for the apparel industry by its partner VITRONIC, one of the world leaders in industrial image processing.

VITUSbodyscan acquires body dimensions within just a few seconds, and the Human Solutions software then uses this data to immediately display a color image of the scanned person. «The result is a very realistic image of the scanned person, including the exact 150 of body dimensions, which can be called up individually as required», says Dr. Andreas Seidl, Managing Director of the Human Solutions GmbH. «The development of a color scanner for the apparel industry is an important step for us, because the virtual try-on of fashion is even more realistic thanks to the color textures». The VITUSbodyscan was presented for the first time at the Texprocess in Frankfurt am Main last May. VITUSbodyscan is a closed system with an integrated lighting concept. Thanks to the all-round housing of the new VITUS, it can be used irrespective of the prevailing light conditions. «Compared to its predecessor, setup is faster and the individual components are now lighter. This opens up new possibilities in the fashion industry», says Julian Martini, Sales Manager 3D Bodyscanning at VITRONIC. It has been proven that the quality of the measurement data is sufficient for scientific quality standards.