Fratelli Foggiato

Specialized in Industrial Sewing machines


foggiatoFoggiato was born in 1921 and specialized in the second hand industrial sewing machines business. Today the company offer all their Italian and foreign customers a brand new machine that has no competitor for this kind of operation: the Double Cut.

The Double Cut is a cutting machine that allows to separate the double faces fabrics through a rotating blade. The cutting is very precise and can be easily adjusted by the user following any particular thickness.

Foggiato choose to distribute this machine right for the great reliability and efficiency that this machine has reached not only due to the long time spent in testing and tuning it but even thanks to the close relationship and collaboration with clothing manufacturers.

The Double-Cut has been CE certified as it has been designed and built in accordance with the safety regulations and standards.

On the company’s official website, it is possible to appreciate the Double-Cut features and watch a video while it is working, as well as have an overview of the almost 4000 machines always available in stock.