Gerber Technology

New Cut Plan Solution

Placed an image of the Model editor on top of AccuPlan showing a visual image of the model to be cut planned
Another visual feature just implemented in version 10:2, the ability to preview made marker thumbnail images in AccuPlan

The challenge for current apparel manufacturers is to remain competitive and profitable in a globalized and highly specialized market. Therefore, the operation of the cutting room should be as sleek and efficient as possible. Process optimization to be one key factor to contribute to that objective.

Gerber‘s recently launched AccuPlan solution that has been developed to speed up spreading and cutting planning operations starting from the elaboration of the work order and controlling the entire information flow that returns as reports that help cutting room managers to optimize the whole workflow for a real competitive advantage.

As per Gerber’s statement AccuPlan is a proven solution to reduce production costs. Fabric is usually the main determining factor when it comes to cost of producing clothing, so optimizing fabric consumption allows companies substantial savings.

What makes the innovative software so powerful? AccuPlan takes advantage of Gerber’s AccuNest for automatic nesting to improve efficiency and minimize costs and waste of material. By consolidating orders and connecting different systems from the ERP to the cutting room, «AccuPlan facilitates flow of information and optimizes nesting, spreading and cutting operations», explained Barbara Pagani from Gerber’s Milan.