Novelties and Innovations For The Asian Market


SSM_GIUDICIThe Swiss based SSM Schärer Schweiter Mettler AG prepares some new market introductions in Asia and a number of innovations & applications. The TW2plus-W is a precision package winder for dye packages and rewinding operations. The electronic fastflex™ yarn laying technology allows a high flexibility to produce a made-to-measure cross wound package.

From SSM Giudici comes the brand new TG1-FT manual false-twist texturing machine. It combines a proven texturing path along with a spacing saving machine design. The result is a machine for the cost efficient production of high quality Polyamide (down to 7 dtex), Polypropylene as well as fine count Polyester yarns. The manual SSM Giudici TG1-AT air texturing machine is designed for the cost efficient production of high quality air texturized yarns made of POY or FDY Polyester, Polyamide and Polypropylene and ranging from fine to medium final counts. The SSM TK2-20 CT/KT sets new market standards in combining the established performance of the well-known Thread King series with the functionality and operational comfort of modern control and drive technology. The TK2-20 stands for first-class unwinding properties and fulfils the highest yarn processing requirements.

Besides of the presented applications SSM does provide machines for Air Covering, Draw Winding, Assembly Winding, Yarn Singeing and Parallel Winding.