An innovative instrument for an instantaneous assessment of moisture content

Mesdan - AQUALAB

Mesdan-Lab division of Mesdan-Spa – Italy introduces Aqualab, an innovative instrument based on low frequency microwave technology designed for an instantaneous and accurate assessment of regain, moisture content and commercial weight in textiles. It allows high volume control of moisture throughout every stage of the textile chain.

Mesdan - AQUALAB

Aqualab’s main features

sample weighting not required

 extremely fast (just few seconds for each test)

 perfect correlation with traditional oven drying system (Delta 0,999)

 non- destructive method (no material waste)

 maintenance free, no parts wear

 no calibration needed

 low energy consumption (only 0,1Kwh versus 8Kwh of a traditional regain oven)

 very simple operation, no skill required to use Aqualab

 ITMF and ICCTM recognized.

The ITMF International Committee on Cotton Testing Methods (ICCTM) gave full recognition to Aqualab during the International Bremen Cotton Conference in 2014. IWTO accreditation under process.