“Beauty will save the world” is the opening line that Angelo Uslenghi has chosen to define the Directions that will guide the textile/accessories industry in the preparation of F/W 2014/15 collections

“Beauty will save the world: we have borrowed this highly intellectual text knowing that a single phrase has rarely brought fortune for itself. It was pronounced by Prince Miškin in The Idiot by Dostoevskij. However, this same phrase repeated over and over again today in different context, in the original version has an ambiguous relevancy somewhere between beautiful and good”, explains Angelo Uslenghi, coordinator of the Milano Unica Creative Team.
“As for our context, we can give it a meaning where Beauty is a universal concept able to harmonize the disarray of reality, satisfying man’s needs with extraordinary aesthetic and moral pleasure. Our contacts with various cultures reinforce this setting, because in China, and other emerging countries, as in traditional markets, there is a strong request for the unique intrinsic value provided by our products, featuring extensive research, innovation and customer service”, declares Silvio Albini, President of Milano Unica.
Now more than ever, the human soul has a fundamental desire for beauty. Getting back to Dostoevskij, inside this desired ambiguity, Beauty coincides with Goodness.
The exhibitors can reflect upon it, as receivers of inspiration and orientations portrayed in the video and color card, or the exhibitors, as creators of Beauty.