3DBODY.TECH Conference & Expo


The 9th International Conference and Exhibition on 3D Body Scanning and Processing Technologies took place on 16-17 October 2018, in Lugano, Switzerland.

3DBODY.TECH Conference & Expo provides a platform of eminent professionals, entrepreneurs, academicians and researchers across the globe to present, learn and discuss the latest in 3D body scanning and processing technologies. What makes 3DBODY.TECH really unique is its multidisciplinary character.

Private firms, universities and research institutions presented innovations and research works at the conference, as well as, manufacturers and solution providers presented their 3D scanning systems, solutions and applications in 14 technical session with:

– over 70 technical and scientific presentations
– 4 technical sessions on 3D face, body, foot scanning
– 3 technical sessions on solutions and applications for apparel
– 3 technical sessions on anthropometry and scan data processing
– 1 technical session on machine learning & artificial intelligence
– 3 technical sessions on applications in medicine and health

The technical exhibition that took place in parallel to the conference featured 22 manufacturers, developers and solution providers demonstrated live 3D/4D face, body, foot scanning systems, software solutions and applications. The attendees had the possibility to test live the systems and to meet and discuss directly with the exhibitors.

3DBODY.TECH and Fashion

Six technical sessions were of great interest for apparel and fashion tech professionals.

Technical Session 2 – 3D Body Scanning System I
Size Stream (USA) presented its latest 3D body scanning and measurement solutions. Mr Medendorp, cofounder of Scanologics (The Netherlands), showed the ScanLounge body scanner for sizing. Mr Luong, CEO of BodyData (USA), demonstrated live the new hand-held body scanner that allows to capture the shape of a fully dressed person. Twinster (Austria) showcased the automatic body measurement by 3D body scanning and mobile phone app. Mr Lane, CEO of 3dMD (USA/UK), talked about dense 4D capture of the human body.

Technical Session 6 – 3D Body Scanning for Apparel I
Mr Botzenhardt, project & product manager of Avalution (Germany), talked about the optimization of clothing processes in companies and institutions by the help of body scanning. The Hohenstein Institute for Textile Innovation (Germany) discussed the three-dimensional quantification of shaping effects of foundation garments that aims to smooth obvious subcutaneous fat. Dr Psikuta, scientist on Biomimetic Membranes and Textiles at EMPA (Switzerland), talked about the air gap thickness and the contact area of garments during alpine skiing. The Faculty of Textile Technology of the University of Zagreb (Croatia) presented their work on clothing pattern design starting from the volumetric analysis of the human body.

Technical Session 8 – Full Body Scanning, Measurement & AI
Mr Moore, CEO of Fit3D (USA), explained how the recently launched platform BodyBlock AI is helping Tier 1 clothing brands change their approach to design and eCommerce in order to reduce returns and increase customer satisfaction. Dr Makeev, CTO of 3D LOOK (USA), presented their technologies and methods to obtain human body measurements from single images. Dr Goonatilake, CEO of Bodymetrics (UK) and visiting professor at UCL (UK), talked about applying deep-learning to reconstruct accurate 3D body maps using mobile phones. Dr West, assistant professor in the textile and apparel, technology and management department at the North Carolina State University (UK), presented his paper on acquiring body measurements on a smartphone for online apparel purchasing platforms. Mr Ballester, researcher at IBV (Spain), presented the study on reliability and compatibility of body measurements from 1D, 2D & 3D inputs.

Technical Session 10 – Full Body Scanning & Processing
Mr Gribbin, senior adviser of Alvanon (USA), talked on consumer attitudes and acceptance of 3D scanning solutions in apparel. Prof Pai, director of the Sensorimotor Lab of the University of British Columbia and CEO of Vital Mechanics (Canada), presented his paper on fitting close-to-body garments with 3D soft body avatars. Mr Lane, CEO of 3dMD (UK/USA), spoke about intelligent harvesting of high-precision 4D data of human subjects in a personalized digital economy. Ms McDonald, co-owner of Gneiss Concept (USA), presented the working group progress for IEEE P3141 standard for 3D body processing. Size Stream (USA) also held a presentation in this session.

Technical Session 12 – 3D Body Scanning for Apparel II
Dr Ernst, Professor of Textile Product Development at the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences (Germany) presented his paper on virtual garment fit evaluation infrastructure for MtM applications. Mr Close, CEO of Bespokify (Singapore), talked about making bespoke apparel mainstream. Ms Scott, owner of Fashion Should Empower (Canada), discussed her paper on landmarking and measuring for critical body shapes analysis targeting garment fit. Dr Gill, lecturer in fashion technology at the University of Manchester (UK), presented a research work on how body scanning can help transform traditional methods of creating pattern blocks. Mr Gertsch, CEO of Gertsch Consulting (Switzerland), closed the session with his talk on digitization of CADprocesses from the e-commerce to the marker.

Technical Session 14 – Anthropometric Surveys & Studies
Dr Jurca, VP footwear research at Volumental (Sweden), presented the paper about the analysis of 1 million 3D foot scans from North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. Mr Guenzel, Manager Body Scanning at Human Solutions of North America (USA), demonstrated Avalytics Portal, a new access point for anthropometric data. CITEVE, the technological center of the textile and apparel industries of Portugal, presented the anthropometric study of the Portuguese population for the improvement of size tables.