Textile machinery inaugurated its technology training center in Ichalkaranji


Following the signing of an agreement roughly two years ago between the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers (ACIMIT) and the DKTE’S Textile & Engineering Institute in Ichalkaranji  (Maharashtra – India) the Italian textile technology training center in India recently started its operations. The inauguration took place this past month, with ACIMIT’s President Raffaella Carabelli and Director Federico Pellegata in attendance. Coordinated by a workgroup formed by ACIMIT and an Indian counterpart, Rare Tech Projects, the project will be responsible for organizing all on-site activities.

The initiatives planned include a mission to Italy, scheduled for this coming November. The project which, among other initiatives, provides  training courses and the transfer of equipment on loan from Italian manufacturers for a maximum of 3 years, is part of the broader Machines Italia project financed by the Ministry for Economic Development (MiSE), whose organization has been entrusted to Federmacchine (the Italian Federation of Capital Goods Manufacturers). The goal of the Machines Italia project in India is to support the internationalization of businesses in the sector in one of the globe’s most intensely developing economies.