
Sulzer reaches the highest GRI level for its Sustainability Report 2012


Sulzer’s online Sustainability Report 2012 was assessed by Société Générale de Surveillance (SGS), and it received the highest transparency level G3 A+ of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).

Social responsibility remains highly important for Sulzer’s business success. Protecting the health and safety of its employees is crucial for the company. In 2012, Sulzer decreased its accident frequency rate by 21% to 2.9 cases per million working hours (2011: 3.7), thus reaching its target of 3.0 for 2012. The accident severity rate was reduced to 55 in 2012 (2011: 56). Engaged and committed employees are a key factor in sustained business success. The voluntary attrition rate dropped to 7.9% in 2012 (2011: 8.3%) as a result of specific measures to increase employee commitment and involvement and to further drive talent management activities. sulzer aspires to be a technology leader in energy efficiency within its industries, and the company strives to reduce its own environmental footprint. In 2012, the specific energy consumption per net value added decreased to 1.0 GJ/kCHF (2011: 1.1). Direct CO2 emissions per net value added diminished to 15.9 kg/kCHF in 2012 (2011: 17.2). Hazardous waste decreased by 27%, and the company’s total water consumption dropped by 9%. Environmental product declarations (EPDs) help customers understand the benefits of eco-efficient solutions, such as lower operating costs (reduced energy consumption) and fewer CO2 emissions over the entire life cycle of a solution. Sulzer now covers relevant major product categories by externally certified environmental product declarations (EPDs).