Fashion Training To Bridge the Generational Gap

Matteo Secoli, General Manager, Istituto Secoli
by Matteo Secoli

The academic year at Istituto Secoli offers a larger programme launching three new courses dedicated to culture and craftsmanship

The greatest satisfaction for a school is the fact of observing how people working in this field recognise the valuable background of its newly licensed students. For us to be perceived as a reference in the Fashion industry we have to keep pace and, sometime, even move more quickly than expected. Fashion is culture, research and constant development; redefining languages, catching the demand and translating it into a training programme is part of our job. The ongoing change focuses on the paradigm of the origin and on craftsmanship; in such a scenery, businesses in this industry look for a well-trained youth who can bridge the generational gap that has been marking the identity of this sector for years: new “hands” will work their way around the manufacturing tradition of our country.

New proposals from Istituto Secoli

It is precisely young people who focus their attention on a skilled workmanship while we are looking back at a culture that places “know-how” at the heart of development. For this reason, from the next academic year, Istituto Secoli will introduce two courses that meet such a demand.

The first one, Master of Design and Haute Couture Work, is a two years’ course on haute couture methods and techniques. Students are supported by experienced craftsmen, specialists of different haute couture works and processes – such as embroidery, fabric flowers – and by professional dressmakers who can teach students more complex tailor works.

The second training course is a Master of Design and Menswear Production: a two years’ course to study tailoring techniques with a group of experienced “Master Tailors”, who will transfer the students the most valuable and refined methods to obtain a perfect tacking, decorative quilting, top-stitching, buttonholes and eyelets stitched by hand, ending with the creation of a capsule collection of tailor made suits.

Businesses will value trained young people, able to bridge the generational gap that has been marking the identity of the fashion industry for years

Last but not least, there is a new vocational training for the knitwear universe: this is a booming sector, where the technological development of flat knitting machines allows to develop more and more complex garments. In order to be able to meet the growing demand of professionals who can bridge the gap between a designer’s and a pattern maker’s skills in knitwear design techniques and the skills of manufacturing staff, Istituto Secoli promotes its Master of Knitwear Technology course.
Again, it is a two years’ course aiming at transferring graduates and professionals in the fashion industry every technique and all methods to design and make fully fashioned knitwear.