Morgan Tecnica

Cutting in a new way


Morgan Group presents Morgan Match Pointer, a simple and effective system to manage the centering and automatic cutting of pieces on fabrics with repetition or panels.
A special camera, positioned above the cutting head, automatically frames and returns to video, in real time, the image of the fabric in the area below, in which the software overlaps the contour of the piece and the matching point, previously indicated on the CAD Morgan, according to the marker. The operator can indicate directly on the screen, with a click of the mouse or using the arrow keys, where to move and actually cut the pattern, in order to meet the centering between the various parts and remedy any irregularities in the fabric repetition. As soon as the new position is confirmed for the current piece, the software automatically moves the head and the camera above the next piece marked with matching point.
Match Pointe can be thus described: accurate and reliable, the operator checks and rectifies the position of the cut pieces directly on the screen without leaving his console and with no environmental constraints, such as reflections or other; quick: the system does not detect in vain the entire cutting area, but automatically selects all and only the points where fabric matching is required; versatile: it is suitable not only for stripes and plaid fabric, but also for printed fabric; flexible: it can be easily applied to any model of automatic cutting Morgan.