AESA Air Engineering

Air Conditioning and Waste Removal Systems


AESA Air Engineering is a global leader in the field of industrial air conditioning, which provides reliable solutions for Textile Air Engineering. With offices in France, India, Singapore and China and a network of agents, AESA combines the rigor and experience of European engineering and giving to any project the most advanced engineered solution, with competitive equipments.

AESA is specialized in Spinning, Weaving, Man Made Fiber air conditioning and waste removal systems. For any given fibre cotton, rayon, polyester, blended, wool, acrylic, fiberglass. AESA supplies complete system able to maintain the adequate condition of temperature and humidity in a clean environment in accordance with International standard. Supplying fully automatic systems using the best filtration and waste collection system, AESA is leader in many countries for air conditioning in textile factory. AESA design is focusing on optimizing the added value for clients in term of precision, reliability, waste management and Energy saving solutions.

Taking its root from 4 famous companies such as AmeliorAir and LTG, AESA totalizes the experience of thousands of installations running worldwide. AESA has inherited the full range of self-developed proprietary equipments and the capacity to solve any technical problem with the most appropriate solution for the clients worldwide.

Recently AESA engaged a close partnership with the first major Chinese investment in the textile industry in the USA, Keer America Group is building an open-end factory and implementing AESA best solutions.