5th Euratex Convention Will Be Hosted by Lyon on November 24th


3-euratexIn november 24th Lyon will host the 5th Euratex Convention, co-organised with Union Française des Industries Mode & Habillement (UFIMH), Union des Industries Textiles (UIT) and UNITEX and entitled “Creative industries, an asset for Europe”. The annual meeting of the European Apparel and Textile Confederation will be devoted to the role of creativity as an essential competitive asset for the European textile and clothing industry. Speakers from French and European regional authorities, local associations, companies and experts will discuss how to encourage and protect creativity; facilitate access to financing for SMEs; maintain the European excellence in fashion and creativity; save, transmit and upgrade skills for the cultural and creative industries (CCI). The Convention will be concluded with an exchange between French Members of Parliament on the best way to support creative industries.