Professionalism and Competence in Industrial Ironing and Finishing


ponyThe world of textiles and their use in fashion are constantly and quickly evolving. Technological and innovative fabrics are being widely used both in hand-made and in the industrial production of garments. Pony, market leader in the manufacturing of state-of-the-art industrial ironing and finishing machines keeps a sharp eye on what this market requires and offers a wide range of finishing machines, to iron all kinds of garments:  ironing tables, from the simplest vacuum boards to tables with 3 functions (vacuum/blowing/steam) all available with extras such as sleeve ironing shapes, topper shapes and spotting shapes. Form finishers for outerwear: simple or with tensioning system; hybrid form finishers for shirts and outerwear. Shirt Finishers: well-appreciated for their versatility, productivity and extreme ease of use. Pants Toppers, which can be rated among the best ones available on the market. Suitable for finishing jeans and classic pants. Their versions with special clamps, and effective anti-stretching devices (for waist and legs), are particularly recommended for stretch fabrics. Spotting Machines: professional cold or steam spotting machines. Steam Generators. A wide range of finishing presses. Professionalism and competence in supporting the right choice, as well as an impeccable post-selling customer care, are guaranteed by the company’s distributors, across Italy as well as around the world.