Expert at drawing your fibres to perfection


For more than 40 years, Retech has been developing and producing components and installations for processing of synthetic filaments mainly in the field of thermal and mechanical treatment in order to create added value for our customers worldwide.

Behind the thermal and mechanical treatment there is a large amount of Know-How and technical competence.Thermal treatment goes in 2 directions, namely heating as well as active cooling. Mechanical treatment covers an even larger range , starting from a big variety of different process speeds, an extensive range of different coatings of the godet rolls which are also vital to the excellent function and superior quality of the final product.

Retech offers complete solutions coming either as stand-alone concepts or fully integrated, as a retro-fit or upgrade of existing equipment. As the global partner of the textile industry in its field, Retech Switzerland can look back on many years of experience in the world of research and development of components and installations, which are also used to significant advantage in other areas of the industry, such as solar cells.

Retech´s components and installations are important links within the textile value chain. Retech has extensive Know-How in design and construction of drawing elements in order to provide high-quality installations with excellent customer service. What customers need to purchase, such as process components for technical yarn, for sports  wear as well as for automotives or tyre cord is part of the creativity of the Swiss manufacturer Retech in this particular field. At RETECH the entire effort is always focused on delivering customer benefits and keeping a close contact to the clients. The mutual success is primarily based on the company’s knowledge and focus to meet every aspect of its customers’ requirements – at all times and in every location, globally yours, value added exclusively from Retech Switzerland.