
Expertise in Producing Fully Robotized Dyeing Plants


obemObem was established in 1946 in Biella, an important textile district located in Northern Italy, with a high concentration of textile companies producing top quality yarns, fabrics and garments and grew up producing textile machinery mainly for steam treatments and for dyeing fibre, yarns or fabrics in various ways. The achievement of high quality results from its machines has always been the main objective of the company’s projects. In addition, in the last 20 years, the company has concentrated its efforts in equipping the machines with a high degree of automation and, in many cases, also of robotization.

Up to now Obem has installed about 6000 machines in the five continents for processing any kind of fibre and in any kind of form. It dates back to 1986 the installation in USA of its first fully robotized package dyeing plant and, from that time, the company has dedicated a lot of time in developing the robotization for all kind of machines it produces. After nearly 30 years of experience in this field, Obem has installed 52 robotized plants in the most important textile areas, like Europe and Usa, but also in China, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, India and Brazil. These plants, that can work with a very limited number of operators (1 or 2 persons per shift), have been developed for wool, cotton, acrylic, polyester, viscose, and blends. All the machineries and their software are totally produced in the Biella factory, so that customers are serviced by the company for any issue related to the dyeing machinery or their automation robots. To this purpose, the company has also developed its expertise in performing “Real Time” service from the Biella office to any worldwide customer by means of Internet Remote Assistance. From the same office it can also upgrade the PLC or the PC software of the machines according to any eventual new need of its customers.