Innovations in the Winding Segment


4-savio-ok-polarmulticoneAt Hall 1 booth B28 at Itma Asia+Citme 2016, Savio will exhibit breakthrough innovations in the winding segment: the new Eco PulsarS automatic winder, the drumless Multicone technology and well-proven Polar winding machine. All machines represent high-end and niche products with important technological content. Multicone technology – Savio’s thread-guide technology, Multicone (drumless), represents the proper solution to achieve flexibility in package formation, for an easy and fast change in the winding process to prepare all formats. The different downstream processes require a wide flexibility in the wound package building, in order to optimize the specific efficiency. Packages for dyeing, warping, weft, knitting, double twisting, require a different and flexible package formation in terms of geometry, edges shape and density. “Multicone” system represents today the proper solution to achieve this kind of flexibility in the package formation. Savio’s thread guide electronic control allows to set winding angle, traverse stroke, position on the package tube and the yarn distribution over the package. All above improves design and formation of the package, optimizing all the downstream processes, thus allowing customers to obtain the best results. The user can interact with a visual interface on the PC screen for drawing the final package, by setting the stroke mode variations along the package diameters. The user is able to customize and tailor the package design, according to his requirements for the downstream process.