VDMA Awards Five Engineers at Techtextil

Chairman of the Walter Reiners-Stiftung (Foundation) and the award-winners (from left to right): Sennewald, Fischer, Dornier, Völkel, Neuwerk, Kempert

The Walter Reiners-Stiftung (Foundation) of the VDMA Textile Machinery honoured five junior engineers at Techtextil. Two promotion prizes for the best dissertation and master thesis as well as three creativity awards for clever bachelor and seminar papers were awarded. Peter D. Dornier, chairman of the Foundation and of the Lindauer Dornier Board of Management, honoured the young engineers.

The promotion prize in the dissertation category, endowed with 5,000 euros, was awarded to Cornelia Sennewald, TU Dresden. In her doctoral thesis, she developed new technology concepts for production of 3D structures in lightweight design based on a weaving process. Dirk Fischer, TU Chemnitz, was honoured with a promotion prize worth 3,500 euros for the best master thesis. In his work, a classic component, namely a bicycle spoke, was replaced with a flexible wire to achieve benefits in weight and dynamics. Philipp Kempert (TU Dresden), Karsten Neuwerk und Lukas Völkel (both from RWTH Aachen) received creativity awards including a scholarship of 250 euros a month for two semesters.

Mr Kempert developed a shuttle changer for a shuttle loom. Mr Neuwerk’s work deals with light transmitting filaments. Mr Völkel’s bachelor thesis focuses on fabrication of woven-fabrics of multifilament yarns for use as electrode materials in supercapacitors.