
A Strong Commitment to Sustainability

Acimit has released the second edition of its Green Guide, a vademecum of the sustainable technologies supplied by Italian textile machinery manufacturers

GREEN GUIDEThe new edition of the Acimit Green Guide has been available since early March. It provides a summary of the actions taken by Italian textile machinery firms in the field of sustainability, in terms of savings in resources used during the textile production process. «This guide supports the strong commitment of Italy’s textile machinery industry to the issue of sustainability», states Raffaella Carabelli, President of ACIMIT.

For the 39 manufacturers adhering to the “Sustainable Technologies” project, launched by ACIMIT in 2010, the Green Guide lists the technology innovations that allow machine users to cut production costs while adopting environmentally friendly measures.

As ACIMIT President Raffaella Carabelli confirms, «The Green Guide is now at its second edition, following the launch in 2013. It bears witness to the ongoing commitment of our machinery builders to developing increasingly sustainable technologies that are also attentive to the needs of our customers, who are demanding less energy-intensive machinery». In addition to global competition, which is pushing towards more economic production processes, many countries have set up “green” incentives for the acquisition of more eco-friendly, energy efficient machinery. This drive from the top towards sustainable technologies is yet another strong motivation for Italy’s machinery builders.

carabelli«Our manufacturers were not caught off guard by the new attention the global textile/garments industry has placed on sustainability», continues ACIMIT’s president. «Rather, they’ve understood for quite some time now that sustainable technologies can play a winning hand for their customers. As an association, we’ve set ourselves a goal of raising public awareness on what our industry is already doing, while providing an organic structure for the initiatives of individuals».

The “Sustainable Technologies” project thus brings together different promotional and communications activities intended to act as a sounding board for Italy’s textile machinery businesses.

With 7000 copies in print, the Green Guide will be distributed at major industry trade fairs in which ACIMIT will participate together with its associated members during the course of 2014 (Sustainable Technologies /ACIMIT Green Guide 2014). A print version in Chinese will also be distributed in 1000 copies at ITMA ASIA+CITME 2014. For more information on the “Sustainable Technologies” project, visit the ACIMIT Website ACIMIT (Sustainable Technologies / ACIMIT green label).